Emily and the Anteater - The Rescue

S. M. Gibson

"I think I hear something coming up the stairs," Aloysius called out. "Did we shut the door?"

"No, we didn't," said Emily.

"It is coming up the stairs," said Pengi as she flew off to hide behind a potted plant.

Emily picked up another mirror and pointed them both at the doorway that led down to the chamber of magical treasures. She, too, could now hear the footsteps. Emily closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She wasn't sure why she took a deep breath, but somehow it made her feel better.

Emily and the Anteater - The Rescue

One sunny day, Emily is bouncing on her trampoline. She starts to fly and meets a fairy. They have a peanut butter sandwich picnic. Along comes Penelope the anteater. Her brother has been kidnapped by an evil witch. Can Emily help Penelope save her brother from the evil witch?

Find out more at Kindle on Amazon.